
A number of easy to use calculators, these will help you to check and plan your finances.

    Fuel cost

    Calculate your fuel expenditure over a year.


    Are you paying the correct amount of PAYE? Check you are having the correct amount of tax deducted from your income.

    Property taxes

    How much tax will you have to pay when you buy property?


    Calculate the VAT to be paid where VAT is included in the amount entered at the standard rate of 20%.

    Tax and business calendar

    Details of compliance and regulatory deadlines.

      22 October 2024

      • PAYE, NIC and CIS payment (electronic)

        Month-end 5 October 2024.

      • PAYE, NIC and CIS payment (electronic)

        Quarter-end 5 October 2024.

      • PAYE settlement agreement

        Payment of 2023-24 Class 1B NIC and tax (electronic).

      30 October 2024

      • Non-resident landlord scheme

        Payment of tax for the quarter ended 30 September 2024.

      31 October 2024

      • Plastic Packaging Tax

        Return and payment quarter-end 30 September 2024.

      • Corporation Tax returns

        31 October 2023 year ends.

      • Self Assessment

        2023-24 paper tax returns.

      01 November 2024

      • Corporation Tax payment

        31 January 2024 year ends.

      02 November 2024

      • P46 (car) electronic or paper

        Quarter to 5 October 2024.

      05 November 2024

      • Employment intermediaries

        Remove a report for the quarter to 5 July 2024.